Where isn't the party?

frequently asked questions?

cocktail gator travel bar with ice bin and cup dispenser
Why can't I pay with a credit card?
You can. PayPal will accept your payment via a credit card with out requiring you to open an account. Click on the "Buy Now" button to open PayPal then select "pay by debit or credit card".

​Why do you only accept payments through PayPal?
At Cocktail Gator we don't want your credit card number. We don't want your personal information. We just want to provide you with the best travel bar on the market. PayPal gives you a level of buyer protection, that we just can't match. PayPal receives your payment information, they credit our account with your money, and we ship you our products. At Cocktail Gator we spend our time designing and building quality products, and leave your payment information with the experts via PayPal. 

​Why can't I order multiple items and ship them together?
Travel bars are large, light weight items that ship by dimensional size, not by weight. Therefore, there is no significant saving from the shipping companies when we ship multiple items. Almost all of our orders are for single items, so for simplicity we have single check out buttons instead of the typical shopping cart. If you would like a quote for multiple items please send us an e-mail at sales@cocktailgator.com

​Can I get bags in custom colors?
For single bag orders we try to offer new color choices periodically. Although we can't create a new color choice for each individual order, we will be happy to quote custom colors for quantities greater than six.

If you like cocktails away from home , you will absolutely love the Cocktail Gator.